Notizie dall’ICE dal 7 al 13 ottobre 2024

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Condividiamo alcune notizie provenienti dagli Uffici Esteri dell’ICE. 


(ICE) – ROMA, 11 OTT – Nel semestre marzo-agosto di quest’anno, le vendite totali del negozio principale del GG.MM. Matsuya Ginza (Tokyo) sono aumentate del 32,3% rispetto all’anno precedente, raggiungendo i 63,1 miliardi di Yen (388 milioni di Euro). Le vendite duty-free ai clienti stranieri che visitano il Giappone sono aumentate di 2,2 volte, raggiungendo i 31,4 miliardi di Yen.
La loro quota sul totale delle vendite è salita a circa il 49,6% (rispetto al 29,2% dello stesso periodo del 2023). Per contro, le vendite ai clienti nazionali hanno segnato un calo del 6%.

Al raddoppio delle vendite duty-free ha contribuito soprattutto la clientela cinese, i cui acquisti sono passati dagli 8,1 miliardi di Yen della prima metà del 2019 (anno precedente la pandemia), a 21 miliardi di Yen nel semestre marzo-agosto 2024. Lo Yen si è indebolito non solo rispetto al Dollaro statunitense, ma anche rispetto allo Yuan cinese e gli acquisti di prodotti di marchi di lusso e articoli di fascia alta, come orologi e gioielli, hanno registrato una forte crescita propria grazie al cambio favorevole per i turisti provenienti dalla Cina. La loro spesa pro capite è aumentata del 35% rispetto all’anno precedente, raggiungendo i 328.000 Yen circa (poco piu’ di 2000 Euro).

Nel mese di luglio, le vendite di Matsuya Ginza hanno raggiunto i 12,1 miliardi di Yen (74 milioni di Euro), il fatturato mensile più alto degli ultimi 32 anni. Anche in questo caso le vendite duty-free ai turisti stranieri hanno rappresentato il 60% del totale. (ICE TOKYO)


ICE – ROMA, 10 OTT – Qassim region’s $32.5 billion in untapped mineral wealth means it will become a key contributor to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan, according to a Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources spokesman.
Jarrah bin Mohammed Al-Jarrah posted on X that Qassim holds high-quality mineral ores, including lead, tin, granite, and tungsten.
The strategic focus on economic diversification has placed the mining sector at the forefront of national development plans, with the Kingdom’s mineral wealth valued at an estimated $2.5 trillion.
The total value of Qassim’s resources is estimated at $32.6 billion, with gold accounting for $23.3 billion, bauxite at $6.56 billion, zinc at $1.25 billion, copper at $1.06 billion, and silver at $0.37 billion.
Al-Jarrah highlighted that the region, which is located in the center of Saudi Arabia approximately 400 km northwest of Riyadh, hosts 35 mineralized belts, including 16 for gold, 15 for copper and lead, three for nickel, and one for zinc.
Qassim also has eight phosphate reserve sites and a mining complex for bauxite ore, as well as 32 mining complexes, designated for construction materials, including 17 for gravel, nine for sand, and six for fill materials.
The spokesman highlighted that Qassim’s industrial sector is robust and diverse, housing 580 factories.
Around 84 percent of these facilities are located in the region’s main cities including Buraidah, Unaizah, Al-Rass, and Al-Badayea.
Key industries include food and beverage production, basic goods, pharmaceuticals, and rubber and plastic manufacturing.
The region’s industrial workforce totals 35,000 employees, with females making up over 15 percent, reflecting ongoing efforts to empower women in the sector.
The Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Bandar Alkhorayef, is visiting Qassim on Oct. 9 to inaugurate several projects in industrial cities under the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones, also known as MODON.
He will also attend the launch of the Youth of Industry forum, aimed at developing national skills in the industrial sector through specialized workshops and career counseling.
The visit will include the launch of initiatives to enhance human capabilities in the industrial and mining sectors, alongside meetings with investors during factory visits.
It has strong potential to produce minerals essential for energy transition, such as aluminum, copper, rare earth elements, and resources needed for global agriculture. (ICE RIYADH)


(ICE) – ROMA, 9 OTT – China’s consumption market showed strong growth during the National Day holiday, from October 1 to October 7, according to data from the State Taxation Administration.

Travel and tourism experienced stable growth, with 765 million domestic passenger trips recorded during the seven-day holiday, a yearly increase of 5.9 percent and 10.2 percent growth compared to the same period in 2019.

Chinese tourists spent over 700.8 billion yuan during the period, a 6.3 percent annual increase and a 7.9 percent rise from 2019, according to data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

Meanwhile, inter-regional travel across the country exceeded 2 billion passenger trips, with an average of 286.79 million people traveling each day.

Border crossings also rose, with 13.09 million inbound and outbound trips recorded, marking a 25.8 percent year-on-year increase.(ICE PECHINO)


(ICE) – ROMA, 10 OTT – Qassim region’s $32.5 billion in untapped mineral wealth means it will become a key contributor to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plan, according to a Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources spokesman.

Jarrah bin Mohammed Al-Jarrah posted on X that Qassim holds high-quality mineral ores, including lead, tin, granite, and tungsten.

The strategic focus on economic diversification has placed the mining sector at the forefront of national development plans, with the Kingdom’s mineral wealth valued at an estimated $2.5 trillion.

The total value of Qassim’s resources is estimated at $32.6 billion, with gold accounting for $23.3 billion, bauxite at $6.56 billion, zinc at $1.25 billion, copper at $1.06 billion, and silver at $0.37 billion.

Al-Jarrah highlighted that the region, which is located in the center of Saudi Arabia approximately 400 km northwest of Riyadh, hosts 35 mineralized belts, including 16 for gold, 15 for copper and lead, three for nickel, and one for zinc.

Qassim also has eight phosphate reserve sites and a mining complex for bauxite ore, as well as 32 mining complexes, designated for construction materials, including 17 for gravel, nine for sand, and six for fill materials.

The spokesman highlighted that Qassim’s industrial sector is robust and diverse, housing 580 factories.

Around 84 percent of these facilities are located in the region’s main cities including Buraidah, Unaizah, Al-Rass, and Al-Badayea.

Key industries include food and beverage production, basic goods, pharmaceuticals, and rubber and plastic manufacturing.

The region’s industrial workforce totals 35,000 employees, with females making up over 15 percent, reflecting ongoing efforts to empower women in the sector.

The Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Bandar Alkhorayef, is visiting Qassim on Oct. 9 to inaugurate several projects in industrial cities under the Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones, also known as MODON.

He will also attend the launch of the Youth of Industry forum, aimed at developing national skills in the industrial sector through specialized workshops and career counseling.

The visit will include the launch of initiatives to enhance human capabilities in the industrial and mining sectors, alongside meetings with investors during factory visits.

It has strong potential to produce minerals essential for energy transition, such as aluminum, copper, rare earth elements, and resources needed for global agriculture. (ICE RIYADH)

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